.. OM sarva shaktimate paramaatmane shrii raamaaya namaH ..####
mere raam \##! ## mere naath \##! ##\##! ##
aap sarvadayaalu ho\##, ## sarvasamartha ho\##, ## sarvatra ho\##, ## sarvaGYa ho . aapako
koTish namaskaar .
aapane saadhanaa ke liye maanava shariir diyaa hai aur prati xaNa dayaa karate
rahate hai.n . aapake ananta upakaaro.n kaa R^iNa nahii.n chukaa sakataa .
puujaa se aapako rijhaane kaa prayaasa karanaa chaahataa huu.N .
apanii kR^ipaa se mere vishvaas dR^i.Dha kiijiye ki ##'## raam meraa sarvasva hai
##'##. ##'## mai.n raam kaa huu.N ##'## . ##'## sab mere raam kaa hai ##'## . ##'## sab mere
raam ke hai.n ##'##. ##'## sab raam ke ma.ngalamaya vidhaana se hotaa hai aur usii
me.n meraa kalyaaNa nihita hai ##'##.
apanii akhaNDa smR^iti diijiye . raam naam kaa japa karataa rahuu.N . roma roma
me.n raam basaa hai . har sthaana par har samaya raam ko samiip dekhuu.N .
apanii charaNa sharaNa me.n avichala shraddhaa diijiye . mere samasta sa.nkalpa
raam ichchhaa me.n viliin ho.n . raam kR^ipaa me.n ananya bharosaa rakh kar
sadaiva santuShTa aur nishchinta rahuu.N\##, ## shaanta rahuu.N\##, ## masta rahuu.N .
aisii buddhi aur shakti diijiye ki vartamaan paristhiti kaa sadupayoga karake\##, ##
puuraa samaya aur puurii yogyataa lagaa kar apanaa kartavya lagan utsaah aur
prasanna chitta se karataa rahuu.N . mere dvaaraa koI aisaa karma na hone paaye
jisame.n mere viveka kaa virodha ho .
satya\##, ## nirmalataa\##, ## saralataa\##, ## prasannataa\##, ## vinamrataa\##, ## madhurataa meraa
svabhaava ho .
dukhii ko dekha kar sahaja karuNita aur sukhii ko dekha kar sahaja prasanna ho
jaaU.N . mere jiivan me.n jo sukha kaa a.nsha hai vah duusaro.n ke kaam aaye aur
jo dukha kaa a.nsha hai vah mujhe tyaaga sikhaaye .
merii praarthanaa hai ki aapakaa abhaya hasta sadaa mere mastak par rahe .
aapakii kR^ipaa sadaa sab par banii rahe . sab praaNiyo.n me.n sad.hbhaavanaa
ba.Dhatii rahe . vishva kaa kalyaaNa ho .
OM shaanti shaanti shaantiH .
Daily Prayer
Oh! Ram, my Lord!
You are omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. You know everything and
are kind to everybody. I bow to you time and again.
You have given us the human body for spiritual advancement and are ever
merciful. I cannot redeem the countless favours you have bestowed on me.
I would try to please you only through prayers.
Have mercy and reinforce my faith that Ram is everything for me. I am
Ram's and everything and everybody belong to my Ram. Everything happens
as per your benevolent orders and my welfare is included therein.
Make me remember you constantly by repeating your name and let me feel
your presence with horripilation at every place and at all times.
Grant me refuge in your lotus feet and let all my desires merge in
reaching you. Let me be free from care and sorrow through my constant
faith in you. May your boundless mercy lead me to revel and delight in
Give me intellect and strength so I can make the best use of the time;
do my duty, willingly, cheerfully, enthusiastically and to the best of
my ability. Let me not do anything that militates against my conscience.
Let my nature be moulded by truth, purity, simplicity, cheerfulness,
humility and sweetness. (Alt: Let Truth, Purity, Simplicity,
Cheerfulness, Humility and Sweetness constitute my Nature.) Let me show
spontaneous compassion towards the suffering people and spontaneous
satisfaction on seeing the happy ones. Let others be benefited by
whatever is good in me and let me discard whatever is bad in me.
My prayer unto you is: May your protective hand ever rest on my head.
May you be ever merciful towards one and all and at all times. May there
be amity amongst all the living beings. May peace and happiness pervade
the entire world.
OM! ShantiH! ShantiH! ShantiH!
dainika praarthanaa by Shri Shiv Dayalji Srivastav
English Translation by Shri S. V. Ganesanji
You can use the name of your own ishhTa deva instead of Ram, if you like.
ITRANS version updated on \today
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